Letelica NASA uslikala veličanstvene prizore Marsa – i poneko iznenađenje (FOTO)
Nova 30.04.2023 | Autor N1

Nasin helikopter Indžinuiti (Ingenuity) snimio je zapanjujuće predele Marsa, leteći na visini od 12 metara iznad površine "crvene planete".
Eksperimentalna letelica prvo se popela na rub kratera Belva, piše Mashable. Spot the Spacecraft – a little challenge for you, in two levels of difficulty: The #MarsHelicopter and I have been closer together lately, allowing us to snap pics of each other for the first time in a while. Can you find me in one of these images, and Ingenuity in the other? 🔍 pic.twitter.com/WDlGyA9TIH — NASA’s Perseverance Mars Rover (@NASAPersevere) April 25, 2023 Na vidiku koji je