Žestok okršaj na Krimu! Ruska PVO protiv ukrajinskih dronova! Oboren striž! (video)
Kurir 01.05.2023

Na Krimu je u toku žestok okršaj ruske PVO i ukrajinskih dronova.
Bitka koju vodi PVO Crnomorske flote sa ukrajinskim dronovima odvija se u gradu Evatropiji. Navodno, nad Krimom je oboren TU 141 striž - ukrajinska bespilotna letelica. The Air Defenses of the Russian Black Sea’s Fleet has reportedly “Repelled” a Ukrainian Drone Attack that was attempted to Target the Naval Port in the Crimean City of Sevastopol with Drones observed being Shot Down to the North of Sevastopol and the Town of Zaozerne. pic.twitter.com/BSzVjnVE8e —