A u Londonu muk TSC poveo protiv Vest Hema (video)
Alo 21.09.2023

Velika greška igrača "čekićara" prethodila je golu Topolčana
Fudbaleri TSC-a poveli su protiv Vest Hema. Strelac je bio Petar Stanić. Posle velike greške Ogbone, fudbaler TSC-a mu je oduzeo loptu na sredini terena i izašao je sam ispred golmana Fabianskog. TSC up against West Ham. 🇷🇸 Petar Stanić (22, CM) with the goal! 💪🏼 Could be one of the biggest upsets in the history of 🇷🇸 football. pic.twitter.com/3FN9ui7vMv — Serbian Football Scout (@SerbFootyScout) September 21, 2023 MI TEK PIŠEMO NAŠU ISTORIJU Žarko Lazetić spreman