Više pogođenih u masovnoj pucnjavi u Masačusetsu
Euronews 04.10.2023 | Autor: AP

Više ljudi je ranjeno u sredu popodne u centru Hojouka u Masačusetsu, saopštila je policija, prenosi AP.
BREAKING: Mass Shooting reported in Downtown Holyoke, Massachusetts. - Multiple individuals were shot at around 1PM ET in the downtown area. - The shooting took place at the intersection of Maple and Sargeant streets - “We can confirm that there are multiple victims and this… — Brian Krassenstein (@krassenstein) October 4, 2023 Policijski detektiv Holioke Beben rekao je da je više osoba upucano, ali nije naveo precizno koliko. Policija je