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Britanska nagrada za modu 2023: Šta je ko obukao i ko je dominirao crvenim tepihom

Svetske zvezde, među kojima su Pamela Anderson i Gvinet Paltrou, prošetale su crvenim tepihom u Londonu.

BBC News 05.12.2023

Top modeli i holivudske zvezde, među kojima su Pamela Anderson, En Hatavej, Gvinet Paltrou i Stormzi prošetale su crvenim tepihom na godišnjoj dodeli Britanske nagrade za modu, koja je održana u Londonu.

Među pobednicima su kreatorka Sara Barton, njen kolega Džonatan Enderson, a Paloma Elseser proglašena je manekenkom godine.

Italijanski kreator Valentino Garavani, poznatiji kao Valentino, dobio je priznanje za izuzetna dostignuća.

British TV presenter Maya Jama attends the Fashion Awards 2023 at the Royal Albert Hall in London, Britain, 04 December 2023.
Ceremoniju vodili su britanska TV prezenterka Maja Jama i muzičar Koi Redikal
Pamela Anderson attends The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
Getty Images
Manekenka i aktivistkinja Pamela Anderson pojavila se bez šminke
Pamela Anderson attends The Fashion Awards 2023 Presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
WireImage/Getty images
Anderson je nosila beli komplet - široke pantalone i blejzer
Rita Ora attends The Fashion Awards 2023 Presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
WireImage/Getty Images
Kantautorka Rita Ora nosila je crnu haljinu bez leđa marke Prajmark
Brad Falchuk, Anne Hathaway, Giancarlo Giammetti, Gwyneth Paltrow and Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece attend The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora pre-drinks reception at The Royal Albert Hall on December 4, 2023 in London, England.
Getty Images
Gvinet Paltrou, En Hatavej i Pavlos, princ Grčke, primili su nagradu u ime italijanskog kreatora Valentina
Gwyneth Paltrow attends the Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
WireImage/Getty Images
Paltrou je nosila vintidž haljinu kreatora Valentina, koji je uveo novu boju u svet mode, takozvanu „Valentino crvenu"
Anne Hathaway attends The Fashion Awards 2023 Presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
WireImage/Getty Images
Američka glumica En Hatavej takođe je nosila Valentinovu kreaciju
Taylor Russell attends The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
Corbis/Getty Images
Kanadska glumica Tejlor Rasel pojavila se u ektravangantoj haljini marke Lev (Loewe)
Jourdan Dunn, Charlotte Tilbury and Kate Moss attend The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
Getty Images
Model Džordan Dan, vlasnica firme za proizvodnju kozmetike Šarlot Tilburi i modna ikona Kejt Mos pozirale su zajedno na crvenom tepihu
Stormzy attends The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 4, 2023 in London, England.
Getty Images
Muzičar Stormzi nosio je neutralne boje
Amal Clooney attends The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
Getty Images
Amal Kluni sakrila se ispod kišobrana da ne upropasti toaletu
Sam Smith attends The Fashion Awards 2023 Presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
WireImage/Getty Images
Pevač Sem Smit dobio je nagradu za kulturnu inovaciju, a nosio je cipele na štiklu marke Vivijen Vestvud, a kasnije se i presvukao
Andreas Kronthaler and Cora Corré attend The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
Corbis via Getty Images
Andreas Krontaler i Kora Kori, unuka Vivijen Vestvud
Charli XCX attends The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at the Royal Albert Hall on December 04, 2023 in London, England.
WireImage/Getty Images
Pevačica Čarli nosila je upadljivo žutu haljinu marke Pol Gotje
Paloma Elsesser, winner of the Model of the Year Award, poses backstage at The Fashion Awards 2023 presented by Pandora at The Royal Albert Hall on December 4, 2023 in London, England.
Getty Images
Paloma Elseser odnela je nagradu za manekenku godine

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(BBC News, 12.05.2023)

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