Veliki požar u Kopenhagenu: Zapalila se zgrada farmaceutske kompanije, na terenu 100 vatrogasaca
Euronews 22.05.2024 | Autor: Tanjug

Veliki požar izbio je danas u zgradi danske farmaceutske kompanije "Novo Nordisk" u Kopenhagenu, koji gasi oko 100 vatrogasaca, saopštile su vatrogasne službe.
The headquarters of Novo Nordisk, Europe's largest company, is on fire. This is the second fire in a week A major fire has broken out in the headquarters building of the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk - the second fire in a week. The fire started outside but then… — NEXTA (@nexta_tv) May 22, 2024 Požar je veliki i zgrada je evakuisana, rekao je Martin Smit, šef operacija vatrogasnih službi Kopenhagena. Tanjug/AP/(Liselotte