Povratak na mesto uspeha: Rud van Nistelroj u Mančester junajtedu?
Večernje novosti 23.06.2024

RUD van Nistelroj ponovo u Mančester junajtedu. Ovo bi moglo da se desi, s obzirom na to da klub sa "Old Traforda" želi da ojača stručni štab.
Foto: EPA-EFE/Neil Hall Legendarni holandski fudbaler mogao bi da postane deo novog osoblja koji uz sebe želi Erik ten Hag, preneo je poznati novinar za transfere Fabricio Romano. 🚨 EXCL: Ruud van Nistelrooy has been approached to be part of Erik ten Hag’s new staff at Manchester United. Up to van Nistelrooy as he’s also strong candidate to be new Burnley manager to replace Kompany, decision next week 🟣🔵 Changes could take place in #MUFC staff.