Emilija got pregnant at 15, decided to keep baby: ‘I Stayed Awake at Night Because of Colic and Went to School in the Morning!’

Kurir pre 7 dana
Emilija got pregnant at 15, decided to keep baby: ‘I Stayed Awake at Night Because of Colic and Went to School in the…

‘I got pregnant at 15! I immediately knew I was going to have the baby.

I was sitting in a café with my boyfriend, whom I loved more than anything in the world, and we imagined being together, loving each other, and raising the child. I would go to school, the two of us would love each other, and there would be a lovely baby with us. Everything would be wonderful and easy. Oh, what did I know about life back then... A child was expecting a child!’ This is how Emilija Vesić (20) from Kruševac begins her story for Kurir, who gave birth

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