Sprečen atentat na Trampa: Dramatičan finiš predsedničke kampanje u Americi
Večernje novosti 13.10.2024

POLICIJA u Sjedinjenim Državamaosujetila je potencijalno treći pokušaj ubistva Donalda Trampa.
Foto: Profimedia Uoči mitinga kandidata Republikanske stranke u Kočeli uhapšena je jedna osoba zbog ilegalnog posedovanja oružja. BREAKING: Police thwart “Potential Third Assassination Attempt” against Trump outside of Coachella Rally Vem Miller was arrested with an illegally possessed shotgun, loaded handgun, a high-capacity magazine, fake VIP passes & reportedly expressed intent to “kill the President — Breaking News Video (@BreakingAlerter) October 13, 2024