First Data
Poznato koliko je Crvena zvezda do sada zaradila od Lige šampiona
Danas 12.12.2024
Crvena zvezda je u dosadašnjem toku Lige šampiona zaradila je 27,84 miliona evra, objavila je specijalizovana platforma za fudbalsku statistiku “Football Meetsa Data”. Po ovom parametru, posle šest odigranih kola crveno-beli nalaze se na 33. mestu… »
At least 14 dead in terrible floods in Bosnia-Herzegovina: First official data released
B92 04.10.2024
Darko Jukan, head of the Public Relations Department, confirmed that at least 14 people died in Jablanica. Minister of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Zukan Helez, said in the Al Jazeera program that, according to unconfirmed information, there were 20… »
Kurir Serbia’s first choice in politics, health, tech, and business! Kurir Television most-watched generalist cable channel
Kurir 02.10.2024
WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official September data confirm that Kurir is the most-read web portal in… »
Standard: EU wants more lithium, first-rate deposits in Serbia
B92 20.08.2024
The European Union is almost 100 percent dependent on the import of lithium, which is essential for the energy transition. According to data from the European Commission, the demand for lithium in the Union is expected to increase 12 times by 2030, which… »
Kurir’s complete dominance: Serbia’s first choice for politics, health, tech, business news! Stil most-read women’s web…
Kurir 05.08.2024
WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official July data confirm that Kurir is the most-read web portal in… »
Kurir most powerful media brand: Serbia’s first choice for business news, Stil women’s web portal Serbia’s No. 1
Kurir 05.07.2024
WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official June data confirm that Kurir is the most-read web portal in… »
"CEO salaries are out of control"
B92 17.06.2024
Salaries for US executives increased at the fastest rate in 14 years, according to data that critics say illustrates how rising pay packages for those like Elon Musk risk exacerbating social inequality. So far, median CEO pay at companies in the S&P 500… »
"Google" će uložiti dve milijarde dolara u Maleziju i izgraditi prvi data centar: Sve diktira uvećana potražnja za AI…
Blic 30.05.2024
"Google" je u četvrtak saopštio da će uložiti 2 milijarde dolara u Maleziju, a deo sredstava otići će u izgradnju svog prvog podatkovnog centra i regije u oblaku u zemlji, kako raste potražnja za AI. "Ovo ulaganje temelji se na našem partnerstvu s… »
Kurir’s complete dominance in April! Serbia’s first choice for social, business news, Stil women’s web portal Serbia’s…
Kurir 08.05.2024
WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official April data* confirm that Kurir is the most-read and visited web… »
China economy grew 5.3% in the first quarter, beating expectations
SEEbiz 16.04.2024
BEIJING - China’s economy in the first quarter grew faster than expected, official data released Tuesday by China’s National Bureau of Statistics showed. Gross domestic product in the January to March period grew 5.3% compared to a year ago — faster… »
Vesti dana »

MSP odgovorilo Nemačkoj: Srbija ima živahan i raznolik politički pejzaž
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"Amerika želi da udovolji Putinu!" Zelenski zagrmeo, sumnja i u moć Evrope koja želi da mu pomogne!
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Zasijala Kula Beograd u čast Jovana Dučića: Podseća na večna dela velikog srpskog pesnika
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Džulijan Mur o odluci Trampove administracije da zabrani njenu dečju knjigu: Zaista sam tužna
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U Avionskoj nesreći u Torontu povređeno najmanje 15 osoba, među njima i deca (FOTO)
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