First Data
"Google" će uložiti dve milijarde dolara u Maleziju i izgraditi prvi data centar: Sve diktira uvećana potražnja za AI…
Blic 30.05.2024
"Google" je u četvrtak saopštio da će uložiti 2 milijarde dolara u Maleziju, a deo sredstava otići će u izgradnju svog prvog podatkovnog centra i regije u oblaku u zemlji, kako raste potražnja za AI. "Ovo ulaganje temelji se na našem partnerstvu s… »
Kurir’s complete dominance in April! Serbia’s first choice for social, business news, Stil women’s web portal Serbia’s…
Kurir 08.05.2024
WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official April data* confirm that Kurir is the most-read and visited web… »
China economy grew 5.3% in the first quarter, beating expectations
SEEbiz 16.04.2024
BEIJING - China’s economy in the first quarter grew faster than expected, official data released Tuesday by China’s National Bureau of Statistics showed. Gross domestic product in the January to March period grew 5.3% compared to a year ago — faster… »
Kurir keeps moving boundaries! Serbia’s first choice for politics, society, business news
Kurir 02.04.2024
WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official March data* confirm that Kurir is the most-read and visited web… »
Kurir No. 1 in Serbia! Most powerful brand in Serbia, first choice of people who follow global current events
Kurir 04.03.2024
WMG continues its complete digital dominance, and Kurir has been positioned as the most powerful media brand ever since Gemius introduced the presentation of media brand power. The official February data* confirm that Kurir is the most-read and visited… »
WMG digital media company no. 1 in Serbia - Our media are an indispensable tool for a successful national campaign
Kurir 03.11.2023
WMG continues to dominate the Serbian market with 213,600 more users than the second-ranked media group, or 472,608 more than the third-ranked media group, according to data about website readership in Serbia collated by Gemius. Taking all parameters into… »
Siti oborio rekord protiv Zvezde - 22 šuta za poluvreme
Sportski žurnal 19.09.2023
Branilac titule Mančester siti na "Etihadu" pobedio Crvenu zvezdu 3:1. Od kada se vode statistike (podaci od 2003. na ovamo) Mančester siti je tim sa najviše udaraca ka golu u prvom poluvremenu meča Lige šampiona. Grašani su ka golu Glazera… »
From April to June, the Public Prosecutor’s Offices filed 28 cases for endangering the safety of journalists, totalling 42…
Cenzolovka 07.08.2023
The Supreme Public Prosecutor's (SPP) report submitted to the Permanent Working Group for the Safety of Journalists (PWG), with data on actions taken in the first six months of this year, indicates that 42 cases were filed for endangering the safety of… »
AMG absolute digital publishing leader Kurir most-read website for 55 consecutive months, Kurir Biznis first choice of Serbia
Kurir 02.06.2023
Adria Media Group continues its complete dominance on the Serbian market, with 143,040 users more than the second-ranked, and 493,632 more than the third-ranked publisher, according to the data available from Gemius*, which provides official readership… »
Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists: Data on assaults against journalists from January to March 2023
Cenzolovka 25.05.2023
The Permanent Working Group for Safety of Journalists (PWG), comprising representatives of six journalistic and media associations (UNS, NUNS, NDNV, AM, ANEM, and AOM), the prosecutor’s office and the police, had a regular quarterly meeting on March 24… »
Vesti dana »

Predsednik Vučić u Leskovcu razgovara sa građanima Leskovcu fali jedan veliki investitor "Uložiću svoj ugled i trud da dobijete posao"
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Blagojević zadovoljan atmosferom, poželeo i gostovanje u Moskvi
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Univerzitet u Beogradu odgovorio na dopis koji je Slavica Đukić Dejanović uputila rektorima i dekanima: Izostanak plata je protivzakonit
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MUP u Nišu uhapsio osumnjičenog za napad na gradonačelnika, postupci protiv još 11 osoba
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Ovo je porodica koja je stradala u strašnom napadu Rusije: Ono što je pronađeno ispod ruševina slama srce (foto/video)
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