
Većina na Balkanu ovo drže u kupatilu: A na društvenim mrežama se krste i čude šta to radi tu! 3.000 ljudi se svađalo, a…

Većina na Balkanu ovo drže u kupatilu: A na društvenim mrežama se krste i čude šta to radi tu! 3.000 ljudi se svađalo, a…

Kurir 04.06.2019
Većina Balkanaca mašinu za veš drži u kupatilu, a to je uobičajena praksa i u mnogim drugim evropskim zemljama poput. Ali, ljudima iz Velike Britanije ili SAD to je, čini se, neobično jer je u tim zemljama uobičajenije da mašina za veš stoji u… »
Tragedija u Nemačkoj: Ograda probila autobus, jedna osoba poginula, 74 povređene! (video)

Tragedija u Nemačkoj: Ograda probila autobus, jedna osoba poginula, 74 povređene! (video)

Kurir 20.05.2019
Jedna osoba je poginula, a 74 osobe su povređene u autobuskoj nesreći blizu Lajpciga, na istoku Njemačke. Nesreća se dogodila u nedelju uveče na auto-putu A9 blizu Lajpciga. Prema nezvaničnim informacijama do nesreće je došlo jer je vozač zaspao… »
Kako, čoveče... Kako?! Troicki imao 6:1, 5:1 i 40:15, pa izgubio meč! Srbin pretrpeo najneverovatniji poraz u karijeri!

Kako, čoveče... Kako?! Troicki imao 6:1, 5:1 i 40:15, pa izgubio meč! Srbin pretrpeo najneverovatniji poraz u karijeri!

Kurir 14.05.2019
Srpski teniser Viktor Troicki na neverovatan način doživeo je poraz na startu čelendžera u Hajlbronu u Nemačkoj. 219. teniser sveta, Mađar Atila Balaž, napravio je jedan od najvećih preokreta u istoriji tenisa. Troicki je vodio protiv mađarskog… »
Vucic to Quinta envoys: Serbia in difficult position without its fault

Vucic to Quinta envoys: Serbia in difficult position without its fault

N1 Info 08.05.2019
Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s President, said on Wednesday his country was in severe position concerning Kosovo issue without anything to be blamed for and that Belgrade could not understand the import duties Pristina introduced on Serbia’s products, N1… »
Kakva zaplena! 120x Ferari, Lamborgini, Porše… (video)

Kakva zaplena! 120x Ferari, Lamborgini, Porše… (video)

Mondo 03.05.2019
Kako reaguje nemačka policija kad stotinjak sportskih automobila divlja lokalnim autoputevima bez ograničenja. Nemačka policija zaplenila je kod grada Vizmara 120 sportskih automobila za koje se sumnja da učestvuju u trci Euro rally, koji se vozi od… »
Serbia’s FM: Berlin Summit isn’t format for Belgrade – Pristina talks

Serbia’s FM: Berlin Summit isn’t format for Belgrade – Pristina talks

N1 Info 30.04.2019
Ivica Dacic, Serbia’s Foreign Minister, said on Tuesday the mini-summit of the Western Balkans' leaders held in Berlin was not an adequate format for the Belgrade – Pristina dialogue on normalisation of relations, the Beta news agency reported. He… »
Kosovo president says recognition only possible topic with Serbia in Berlin

Kosovo president says recognition only possible topic with Serbia in Berlin

N1 Info 26.04.2019
Kosovo’s President Hashim Thaci told the Belgrade-based Beta news agency on Friday that mutual recognition is the only thing that top Serbian and Kosovo officials can discuss at the April 29 summit in Berlin. The summit of top officials from Belgrade… »
Croatian scientist Ivan Djikic elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

Croatian scientist Ivan Djikic elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

N1 Info 25.04.2019
Croatian molecular biologist Ivan Djikic, who heads the Institute of Biochemistry II at the Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany, has been elected to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the Goethe University said on Wednesday. The… »
Kosovo parliament speaker demands condemnation of war crimes

Kosovo parliament speaker demands condemnation of war crimes

N1 Info 23.04.2019
Kosovo Parliament Speaker Kadri Veseli is reported to have sent a letter to the governments of the US, Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy about alleged war crimes committed by Serbia in Kosovo. The letter demanded a resolution to condemn the crimes… »
Bivši trener Partizana završio trenersku karijeru (foto+video)

Bivši trener Partizana završio trenersku karijeru (foto+video)

Alo 06.04.2019
Mateus će ostati upamćen i da je 2003. godine odveo Partizan u Ligu šampiona, što je prvo učešće srpskog kluba u elitnom takmičenju u novom formatu. Nekada najbolji fudbaler sveta i bivši trener Partizana Lotar Mateus odlučio je da završi… »

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