Made In Serbia

I na jugu i na severu piše Made in Serbia: Pogledajte delove koji se ugrađuju u luksuzni bentli a prave se kod nas! (foto)

I na jugu i na severu piše Made in Serbia: Pogledajte delove koji se ugrađuju u luksuzni bentli a prave se kod nas! (foto)

Kurir 17.03.2022
BEOGRAD/NOVI SAD - Na delovima za automobil bentli već piše "Proizvedeno u BMTS fabrici u Srbiji", rekao je Emanuel Aba, globalni potpredsednik kompanije koja ima fabriku u Novom Sadu od koje se do 2026. očekuje prihod od 300 miliona evra. Tu fabriku… »
Na Bentli autodelovima koji se prave u Novom Sadu već piše "Made in Serbia"

Na Bentli autodelovima koji se prave u Novom Sadu već piše "Made in Serbia"

Blic 16.03.2022
Više od 200 Novosađana radi u fabrici koja proizvodi autodelove za velike kompanije kao što su BMW, Ford, Bentli, Folksvagen, Stelantis, a plan je da se u naredne četiri godine zaposli još 300 visokokvalifikovanih radnika. Pogon korporacije "BMTS"… »
Kurir exclusive! Head of EU delegation to Serbia and EU ambassadors: United against Russian aggression against Ukraine

Kurir exclusive! Head of EU delegation to Serbia and EU ambassadors: United against Russian aggression against Ukraine

Kurir 16.03.2022
Last Thursday Russia launched a full-scale military aggression against Ukraine, by land, air, and sea, killing and injuring many innocent people, destroying the infrastructure, and causing human tragedy in Europe. The Russian military is attempting to… »
"E, dođi da slikaš sine, piše da je napravljeno u Srbiji i ide u Audi"

"E, dođi da slikaš sine, piše da je napravljeno u Srbiji i ide u Audi"

Telegraf 14.03.2022
Teklas je turska fabrika koja ima i pogon u Vladičinom Hanu, a danas je u fokusu fabrika u Vranju. - E, dođi da slikaš sine, piše da je napravljeno u Srbiji i ide u ovaj audi - rekao je Vučić danas, tokom obilaska turske fabrike Teklas, koja… »
They do not know what to do with flour: Grain exporters oppose export ban

They do not know what to do with flour: Grain exporters oppose export ban

BizLife 10.03.2022
Exporters of wheat and flour from Serbia and experts have different views of the announcement of banning the export of wheat, flour, corn and oil due to the war in Ukraine and the need to provide a sufficient amount of these products for the domestic… »
Millers oppose wheat export ban

Millers oppose wheat export ban

BizLife 09.03.2022
Serbia has surplus wheat and due to the war in Ukraine and fear of food shortages, the export of that grain, especially flour, should not be banned, said president of the business association of millers and pasta makers “Zitounija”, Zdravko Sajatovic… »
Auto-elektronika made in Serbia za najveće brendove: Nemačka kompanija "Kontinental" zapošljava naše vrhunske inženjere

Auto-elektronika made in Serbia za najveće brendove: Nemačka kompanija "Kontinental" zapošljava naše vrhunske inženjere

Večernje novosti 02.03.2022
Nova "Kontinentalova" fabrika u Novom Sadu, Foto KAS To, za "Novosti", s ponosom ističe Saša Ćoringa, generalni direktor Kompanije "Kontinental automotiv Srbija" (KAS), osnovane pre oko pet godina, napominjući da su zbog odličnih rezultata novog… »
The first company in Serbia to introduce a four-day working week

The first company in Serbia to introduce a four-day working week

BizLife 23.02.2022
The representatives of this company announced that the employees would work in the future four days of the week, and that there would be on-call duties on the fifth day. Employees will take turns regarding on-call duties. As it is explained, this way of… »
“We are the fastest in Europe, average salaries can reach eur 1,000”

“We are the fastest in Europe, average salaries can reach eur 1,000”

BizLife 14.02.2022
Commenting on the economic situation in the country, Vucic, as a guest on Pink TV, said that in the last two years, since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, Serbia has made the fastest economic progress in entire Europe. “Doctors and nurses from… »
City of Belgrade becomes co-owner of Yumko and Simpo SIK

City of Belgrade becomes co-owner of Yumko and Simpo SIK

BizLife 08.02.2022
In January this year, the Assembly of the City of Belgrade made a decision on the conversion of its receivables on the basis of unpaid original and shared public revenues into a permanent share in the capital of Vranje-based Yumko and Simpo SIK based in… »

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