New Moment

Stigao je! (video)

Stigao je! (video)

Mondo 27.07.2016
Argentinski fudbaler Gonzalo Iguain doputovao je u Torino na potpis ugovora sa Juventusom. Foto: Youtube/printscreen Gonzalo Iguain je stigao na aerodrom u Torinu, gde ga je dočekao veliki broj novinara, ali i navijača Juventusa, koji su pevali i sa… »
Evo ko se najviše radovao svadbi Ane i Švajnija (FOTO)

Evo ko se najviše radovao svadbi Ane i Švajnija (FOTO)

Alo 14.07.2016
Nemački fudbaler Lukas Podolski prisustvovao je sinoćnjem svadbenom veselju Ane Ivanović i Bastijana Švajštajgera, a na Tviteru je postavio fotografiju sa bračnim parom iako je to bilo strogo zabranjeno. Lukas je Švajnijev saigrač koji igra za… »
"Air Serbia" fearsome among American airlines!

"Air Serbia" fearsome among American airlines!

Telegraf 29.06.2016
The reason for that is, even tho the home airline has only 21 airplane, behind it is much larger company, "Etihad", which is very successful on the market of Near East. The arrival of Serbian airline “ Air Serbia” on American soil and reestablishing… »
Bon voyage, the most beautiful bird from SERBIA: Watch the moment when NIKOLA TESLA took off for New York! (VIDEO)

Bon voyage, the most beautiful bird from SERBIA: Watch the moment when NIKOLA TESLA took off for New York! (VIDEO)

Telegraf 25.06.2016
The is 254 passengers in the plane, and among them numerous celebrities from the politics, sports and fashion. Airplane Airbus A330 Nikola Tesla, which will fly between Belgrade – New York, started taking up the speed in 7:55 AM and exactly in 8:08 AM… »
Dramatic and spectacular explosion of Tito's ship: "Vis" submerged (photo) (VIDEO)

Dramatic and spectacular explosion of Tito's ship: "Vis" submerged (photo) (VIDEO)

Telegraf 23.05.2016
In the moment of the last explosion, not far from the coast, few chunks of debris flew from the ship. With almost 40 kilograms of explosive, former admiral ship “ Vis“, which was carrying even Josip Broz Tito, was successfully submerged on Sunday in… »
Unusual scene in Nis: Four horses stopped ambulance and made confusion in traffic (VIDEO)

Unusual scene in Nis: Four horses stopped ambulance and made confusion in traffic (VIDEO)

Telegraf 16.05.2016
Ambulance driver tried to disperse the horse with the horn, however these animals while not paying attention to him. Four horses, which wandered freely through the streets of Nis, during the weekend they stopped the traffic in one of the streets of this… »
Crtež Petra Mirkovića na aukciji u Sotheby's u Londonu

Crtež Petra Mirkovića na aukciji u Sotheby's u Londonu

Press 14.04.2016
Delo Petra Mirkovića, novosadskog umetnika koga zastupa beogradska galerija "New Moment", biće ponuđeno na aukciji prestižne kuće "Sotheby's" u Londonu. Foto:Tanjug Na aukciji umetničkih dela pod nazivom "Contemporary East", koja će se održati 8… »
Jelena has been fighting for her life until the last moment: New details about the horrible crime!

Jelena has been fighting for her life until the last moment: New details about the horrible crime!

Telegraf 05.04.2016
- Her fighting for her life is evident because several hair locks were torn from her head - said that source close to the investigation. Lifeless body of the singer Jelena Marjanovic (33) from Borca, Belgrade, whose disappearance was notified on Saturday… »
Slojevi beskonačnosti: Izložba Gordana Nikolića u "Nju momentu"

Slojevi beskonačnosti: Izložba Gordana Nikolića u "Nju momentu"

Blic 23.03.2016
Istaknuti umetnik Gordan Nikolić, redovni profesora Fakulteta likovnih umetnosti u Beogradu, u četvrtak, 24. marta u 19 časova, u Galeriji New Moment predstaviće svoju samostalnu izložbu pod nazivom „Slojevi beskonačnosti“. Ova izložba je… »
Čitalačka konvencija "Biranje pod moranje"

Čitalačka konvencija "Biranje pod moranje"

Press 25.02.2016
U okviru edicije dela savremene svetske književnosti Gral, do subote 27. februara u galeriji New Moment u Beogradu možete prisustvovati čitalačkoj konvenciji "Biranje pod moranje". Za jednu ediciju dela savremene svetske književnosti u… »

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