The Police

These are the first photos from the scene of the shooting in Sarajevo PHOTO

These are the first photos from the scene of the shooting in Sarajevo PHOTO

B92 24.10.2024
As confirmed for, one student was wounded by a firearm this morning in front of the building of the Metal Trades High School in Sarajevo. The first information says that he was injured by a young man who does not attend the same school, but that… »
Shooting in front of a school in Sarajevo: There are wounded children

Shooting in front of a school in Sarajevo: There are wounded children

B92 24.10.2024
One student was wounded in front of the building of the High School of Mechanical Engineering, i.e. the High School of Metal Trades, this morning, it was confirmed for the Sarajevo portal At 8:00 a.m., the Center police department received… »
Rusi izveli snažne udare na krivi rog i Lavov: U vazdušnim napadima veliki broj ranjenih (uznemirujući video)

Rusi izveli snažne udare na krivi rog i Lavov: U vazdušnim napadima veliki broj ranjenih (uznemirujući video)

Alo 20.10.2024
Rusija je tokom noći pokrenula snažne vazdušne udare na Ukrajinu, ciljajući Kijev i zapadni region Lavov, pri čemu je povređeno najmanje 17 ljudi, uključujući spasioca u gradu Krivom Rogu u istočnom delu zemlje, saopštili su zvaničnici. Oko… » found out: A boy cut a girl at school in Subotica found out: A boy cut a girl at school in Subotica

B92 18.10.2024
An 8th-grade student of "Széchenyi István" Elementary School in Subotica stabbed, as unofficially learns, a girl, also a student of the school. How unofficially found out, around 1:15 p.m., an attack on a girl who suffered cuts was… »
Media: A minor in Belgrade stole sneakers from children under the threat of a knife and an electric shocker

Media: A minor in Belgrade stole sneakers from children under the threat of a knife and an electric shocker

B92 18.10.2024
Police in Belgrade arrested M.M. (14), who together with his two friends, in a park in Belgrade Waterfront, with the threat of a knife and an electric shocker, took sneakers from minor boys. As Telegraf writes, the incident happened on Wednesday in a park… »
Horror near the border with Croatia: Two-year-old child killed, father suspected

Horror near the border with Croatia: Two-year-old child killed, father suspected

B92 15.10.2024
Not far from the border with Croatia, a child (2) was killed yesterday. The lifeless body of a two-year-old child was found in Zákány, Hungary, and his father is suspected of murder. Doctors transported the man (37) with serious injuries to the… »
Ima mrtvih na ulicama Potpuni haos u Pakistanu, policija udarila na demonstrante - lete kamenice, gore kola (video)

Ima mrtvih na ulicama Potpuni haos u Pakistanu, policija udarila na demonstrante - lete kamenice, gore kola (video)

Alo 13.10.2024
Pakistanska policija ispalila je suzavac i upotrebila silu na hiljadama demonstranata u Karačiju nakon što je masa pokušala da probije bezbednosnu barikadu. Oko 2.000 pristalica ekstremno desničarske islamističke partije Tereik-e-Labaik Pakistan… »
Sprečen atentat na Trampa: Dramatičan finiš predsedničke kampanje u Americi

Sprečen atentat na Trampa: Dramatičan finiš predsedničke kampanje u Americi

Večernje novosti 13.10.2024
POLICIJA u Sjedinjenim Državamaosujetila je potencijalno treći pokušaj ubistva Donalda Trampa. Foto: Profimedia Uoči mitinga kandidata Republikanske stranke u Kočeli uhapšena je jedna osoba zbog ilegalnog posedovanja oružja. BREAKING: Police thwart… »
Nema više sprdanja sa državom! Nemačka policija lažnu ekološkinju Gretu Tunberg označila kao “sklonu nasilju” i tako…

Nema više sprdanja sa državom! Nemačka policija lažnu ekološkinju Gretu Tunberg označila kao “sklonu nasilju” i tako…

Alo 09.10.2024
Nemačka policija prepoznala Gretu Tunberg kao 'sklonu nasilju'. Razlog je bila učešće ekološke aktivistkinje na nekoliko pro-palestinskih demonstracija. Tokom tih demonstracija, demonstranti su napadali policajce i vikali zabranjene parole.“ Ova… »
Drama in the courtroom; The parents of the murdered children left the court

Drama in the courtroom; The parents of the murdered children left the court

B92 08.10.2024
According to media reports, several parents of the children killed in the Elementary School "Vladislav Ribnikar" briefly left the building of the Special Court, where the testimony of the killer of their children, the boy K.K. Let's recall that this… »

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