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What would have happened if we had won Kosovo battle in 1389? Marković: Serbs audacity sometimes looks like megalomaniacal…
Kurir 18.07.2022
"When they were making major, difficult historical decisions, Serbs often wondered what they could show for their effort. Perhaps it was for this reason that, foolhardy, they stood opposite the mightiest forces, e.g. in 1389, 1804, 1914, 1941, and 1999… »
Exclusive! Ljiljana Pekić writes for kurir:'Living with Pekić was never boring. Borislav was larger than life, curious as a…
Kurir 18.07.2022
I simply cannot come to terms with the fact that it has been 30 years since the passing of my husband Bora Pekić. When you say, 30 years, it seems like an eternity, but in fact, it feels like it was only yesterday. At any rate, it does show how our… »
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VJT o hapšenjima u Ministarstvu: Omogućili rad domu u Barajevu iako nije ispunjavao uslove
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