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Investigation completed in the village near Majdanpek: A married couple killed by a shotgun, found on tractor
B92 16.07.2024
The Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Negotin ordered the autopsy of the murdered spouses of R.J. and R.J. in Topolnica near Majdanpek, as well as the murderer who, while resisting, was neutralized last night by members of the SAJ. The investigation… »
This is the motive for the murder near Majdanpek: Minister gave a statement
B92 16.07.2024
Minister of the Interior Ivica Dacic said today that the motive for yesterday's murder in the village of Topolnica near Majdanpek was a dispute between a married couple and the person who fired the shots. As he said, it was this person who repeatedly set… »
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MUP: Identifikovani maloletnici koji su napali dečaka kod TC Ušće, incident nema veze s blokadom
Danas pre 6 satijoš 1 povezana

"Ovo je bio lov na veštice": Tramp o skandalu koji je uzdrmao Belu kuću, dotakao se i ostavke ministra odbrane: "On nije imao nikakve veze sa ovim"
Blic pre 1 satjoš 1 povezana

„Ja sam čuo da su nas pustili“: Nedović se posle pobede nad Virtusom osvrnuo na spekulacije o meču u Pireju
Danas pre 3 satajoš 4 povezane

Određen mu pritvor do 30 dana: Pretresli mu stan na Novom Beogradu i pronašli drogu
Kurir pre 20 minutajoš 1 povezana