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Jelena has been fighting for her life until the last moment: New details about the horrible crime!
Telegraf 05.04.2016
- Her fighting for her life is evident because several hair locks were torn from her head - said that source close to the investigation. Lifeless body of the singer Jelena Marjanovic (33) from Borca, Belgrade, whose disappearance was notified on Saturday… »
A woman from Belgrade found her birth mother after 37 years!
Telegraf 05.04.2016
Maja Kovacevic, who has been searching for her mother for years, finally got her dream come true and found out who gave birth to her. She recently posted on Facebook a letter found next to her in 1979 at the Slavija square in Belgrade, and the people… »
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Skupština Srbije završila rad, sutra nastavak; Opozicija palila baklje, tri poslanice povređene
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Više javno tužilaštvo: Podignuta optužnica protiv tri osobe zbog pada nadstrešnice
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