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The family of brutally murdered girl attacked the monsters: Chaos in the courtroom after the verdict that shoot the region…
Telegraf 15.06.2016
- This is a case that was followed through with such hatred and insensitivity that a man must wonder, how sick can a human mind be to murder a person without any reason - said in the verdict judge Malicbegovic. District court in Zenica sentenced in… »
All eyes on Zagreb: Anti-government protest during the day, Karamarko resignation expected because of affair (photo) (video)
Telegraf 15.06.2016
According to law, there must be a vote until 18th Jun about trusting Tomislav as a member of a government. Today's protest is announced in the midst of the affair "Consultant", which grew to be a crisis of government and lead to the situation in which two… »
The fate of Fiat workers uncertain: Decrease in demand caused entire shift to be shut down!
Telegraf 15.06.2016
- We are continuing the negotiations with the company executives to hear what precisely are they offering and what models there are for voluntarily leaving the factory - said the union president Zoran Markovic. Company Fiat Chrysler automobiles Serbia… »
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Posle eksplozije i oštećenja kanala Ibar - Lepenac: U Zubinom Potoku prekinuto snabdevanje vodom
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