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Homeless man played in the center of belgrade: When he took off his mask, women screamed with joy!
Telegraf 22.06.2016
Exclusive, only for the Telegraf readers, this is what's behind the Vlado Georgijev "hoax" that thrilled Serbia! A totally usual street performer that looks like a homeless man walked outside on the street in the middle of Knez Mihajlova performing… »
What can we expect? Can petrol in Serbia become cheaper because of the oil price drop in the world market? (infographic)
Telegraf 22.06.2016
The price of petrol did not start increasing on that 20th January, when the price of crude oil began to rise, it actually continued to fall for a month and a half, to the begining of March. Since then the average price of petrol in Serbia has been… »
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Petković: Uništenje kanala protiv mira za koji se zalažemo i nije u našem interesu
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Pretres na teritoriji opštine Zubin Potok: Specijalci tzv. kosovske policije pretresaju kuće u selima Ugljare i Varage
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Momenat koji je mnogima promakao: Koš Luke Mitrovića preko celog terena! (video)
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Novosadska opozicija: Đaci su zastali 15 minuta i prisustvovali najznačajnijem času iz morala i etike
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