Dragan Šolak

Cheap tricks: Ćosić admits in court that he doesn’t know what he does at N1. He proves that this network breaks the law

Cheap tricks: Ćosić admits in court that he doesn’t know what he does at N1. He proves that this network breaks the law

Kurir 10.09.2020
The cable TV channel’s ‘director of programming’ talked unconvincingly about the deliberately entangled ownership and completely blurred editorial structures of the medium owned by Dragan Šolak’s United Group. Not only does N1 television channel… »
Dirty ties: Dragan Šolak got millions through EBRD director, and then hired her at United Group

Dirty ties: Dragan Šolak got millions through EBRD director, and then hired her at United Group

Kurir 09.09.2020
The international financial institution turned a blind eye to a potential conflict of interests, allowing Dragica Pilipović Chaffey to go from the post of bank director straight to the top management of a company which remains an EBRD client. The… »
Accomplices in corruption: Who from the EBRD, a co-owner of the ug, protects Šolak and Đilas and their transactions?

Accomplices in corruption: Who from the EBRD, a co-owner of the ug, protects Šolak and Đilas and their transactions?

Kurir 07.09.2020
By refusing to answer Kurir’s questions on the contentious business activities, non-transparent ownership, and instances of possible conflict of interests related to the operations of United Group, one is left with an impression that individuals from… »
RTS publishes open letter Žeželj to Šolak: ‘Let’s talk in front of the people. I hope you have nothing to hide.’

RTS publishes open letter Žeželj to Šolak: ‘Let’s talk in front of the people. I hope you have nothing to hide.’

Kurir 04.09.2020
The RTS has published the open letter of the owner and director of Wireless Media Igor Žeželj addressed to Dragan Šolak, the chairman of the United Group. Below is the letter in its entirety. ‘Dear Mr Šolak, I would like to encourage you to accept… »
A secret payment: Šolak pumped millions into Đilas’s election campaign?

A secret payment: Šolak pumped millions into Đilas’s election campaign?

Kurir 04.09.2020
The Party of Freedom and Justice leader sold a Multikom commercial property to the United Group in 2017 for app. 4.5 million euros, although its value stood at two million euros in the 2016 company balance sheet. This more than dubious transaction clearly… »
A secret network: Đilas’s ex-wife Milica Delević sold her share in Direct Media and became EBRD director

A secret network: Đilas’s ex-wife Milica Delević sold her share in Direct Media and became EBRD director

Kurir 04.09.2020
The Party for Freedom and Justice leader’s former spouse had a 25-percent share in Multikom Group until 2013. Multikom Group used to own Direct Media, a company taken over by Šolak’s United Group in a dubious move. Delević has been in the top… »
Crime: Đilas’s buddy’s company through which they drained millions from the city coffers ends up in Šolak’s hands!

Crime: Đilas’s buddy’s company through which they drained millions from the city coffers ends up in Šolak’s hands!

Kurir 04.09.2020
The United Group bought the company Media Point from Dragan Ješić, who is without doubt one of the major players in the Party of Freedom and Justice, and who has been served state and city deals worth millions on a platter owing to his public office –… »
Prljave veze: Dragan Šolak preko direktorke EBRD dobio milione, a onda je zaposlio u Junajted grupi

Prljave veze: Dragan Šolak preko direktorke EBRD dobio milione, a onda je zaposlio u Junajted grupi

Kurir 03.09.2020
Međunarodna finansijska institucija zažmurila je na potencijalni sukob interesa i dozvolila da Dragica Pilipović Čefi direktno iz direktorske fotelje banke pređe u top menadžment firme koja je bila, a i dalje je klijent EBRD. Poslovno-politički… »
Raskrinkana tajna mreža! Bivša Đilasova supruga prodala udeo u Dajrekt mediji i postala direktor u EBRD

Raskrinkana tajna mreža! Bivša Đilasova supruga prodala udeo u Dajrekt mediji i postala direktor u EBRD

Mondo 01.09.2020
Bivša supruga lidera SSP do 2013. držala je 25 odsto Multikom grupe, u čijem je vlasništvu bila i Dajrekt medija, firma koja je na sumnjiv način završila u vlasništvu Šolakove Junajted grupe, piše Kurir. Bivša supruga lidera SSP do 2013. držala… »
AMG: UG napada Kurir da bi sprečio istraživanja o Đilasu i Šolaku

AMG: UG napada Kurir da bi sprečio istraživanja o Đilasu i Šolaku

Cenzolovka 01.09.2020
Dnevni list Kurir našao se na meti United Group (UG) kada je objavio istraživanje o tome šta se krije iza kontinuiranih napada medija u vlasništvu ove kompanije na Telekom Srbija, ukazuje danas u saopštenju Adria Media Grupa (AMG) i tvrdi da UG… »

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