My soul, my one and only

Peščanik 11.03.2016  |  Borka Pavićević
My soul, my one and only

Borka Pavicevic, photo: Goranka Matic Once she said: “Whoever survives this deserves a medal for bravery.” She didn’t survive, but she did earn a medal for bravery.

It’s been twenty years since the death of Biljana Jovanovic. A photograph of her stayed around in one of the rooms at the Center for Cultural Decontamination (CZKD) in Belgrade, and it’s still there. It’s the one from the exhibition called “Life is the Devil’s Business, So What Are We Angels Doing Here?” (This was an exhibition on the tenth anniversary of her death.) Rosa, Biljana’s aunt, asked me for the picture back, several times; and I always told myself I’ll

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