They Strip Them Naked And Torture Them! The newest details of the torture SERBS get in the prison where the Hague Tribunal sent them
Telegraf 16.03.2016 |

Dragomir Milosevic (74), the former commander of the Republic of Srpska army, and Milan Martic (62) who are in a prison in Estonia where the Hague Tribunal sent them suffer greatly and are going through real hell
Dragomir Milosevic (74), the former commander of the Republic of Srpska army, and Milan Martic (62) who are in a prison in Estonia where the Hague Tribunal sent them suffer greatly and are going through real hell! Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj refuses to return to ICTY, says he’d rather have the Police take him forcefully! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK – Telegraf English, or write to us on: According to “Alo!”