Sada možete da istražujete Harvardovu ogromnu Bauhaus kolekciju online

Gde investirati 24.08.2016  |
Sada možete da istražujete Harvardovu ogromnu Bauhaus kolekciju online

Nemačka umetnička škola postojala je u fizičkom obliku samo 14 godina, ali njeno zaveštanje postoji i danas na mnogo načina, a od sada i online.

Škola je nedavno napravila više od 32 hiljade digitalizacija slika, crteža, slika i skulptura. Conservators study mysterious petroglyphs in an 18th-century copy of an inscription from Massachusetts’s Dighton Rock. They are hoping to learn more about the process and techniques that were used to make this large work, which belongs to the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. A photo posted by Harvard Art Museums (@harvardartmuseums) on May

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