Avion sa 162 putnika sleteo sa piste!
Alo 14.01.2018

Avion turske niskotarifne kompanije skliznuo je danas sa piste po sletanju u turskoj pokrajini Trabzon, što je izazvalo paniku medju putnicima.
BREAKING Pegasus flight #PC8622 overruns the runway at Trabzon Airport in Turkey. All 162 passengers were evacuated with only minor injuries reported. pic.twitter.com/pOANyguSMw — News_Executive (@News_Executive) January 13, 2018 BREAKING Pegasus flight #PC8622 overruns the runway at Trabzon Airport in Turkey. All 162 passengers were evacuated with only minor injuries reported. pic.twitter.com/pOANyguSMw Svih 162 putnika i člana posade je