Izvor: N1 Info arhiva vesti 12.12.2018
Retail prices drop in November, Serbian statistics office says
N1 Info 12.12.2018
Retail prices dropped 0.3 percent in November compared to a month earlier, the Serbian Republic Statistics Office said on Wednesday. The report covered the retail prices of goods and services for personal consumption which are used to measure inflation… »
U Novom danu ministri o rezultatima u 2018. u svojim resorima
N1 Info 12.12.2018
Konferencija “The Economist: Svet u 2019.” održaće se 13. decembra u Domu Narodne skupštine Republike Srbije u Beogradu. Okupiće čelne ljude Vlade Srbije, Vlade Vojvodine, ambasadore, ekonomiste i vodeće privrednike iz Srbije i regiona. U Novom… »
Journalists’ organization demands investigation into attack on portal editor
N1 Info 12.12.2018
The Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) on Wednesday called for an immediate investigation into the fire in the home of news portal journalist in a Belgrade suburb. The UNS statement said the police and prosecution should immediately investigate… »
Murinjo se ogradio: Mendeševe reči nisu moje
N1 Info 12.12.2018
Žoze Murinjo istakao je da ne zna ništa o saopštenju koje je izdao fudbalski superagent Žorž Mendeš u kome govori o ostanku Portugalca na Old Trafordu. Murinjo je treću sezonu na klupi Crvenih đavola, ali ne može da se pohvali rezultatima. Iako… »
Rakitić napušta Barselonu?
N1 Info 12.12.2018
Španski mediji ponovo prenose vest da će Ivan Rakitić karijeru nastaviti u Pari Sen Žermenu. Kako se navodi, hrvatski reprezentativac je dogovorio odlazak iz Barselone za nešto manje od 125 miliona evra, kolika mu je otkupna klauzula. Uz sve to… »
Čilić: Mala je razlika između mene i Novaka, Rafe i RF
N1 Info 12.12.2018
Hrvatski teniser Marin Čilić uveren je da naredne sezone može da bude ravnopravan rival Rodžeru Federeru, Rafaelu Nadalu i Novaku Đokoviću. Čilić je 2017. godine igrao protiv Federera u finalu Vimbldona, da bi se sa istim rivalom borio i za titulu… »
Serbian government advertises sale of Danube port
N1 Info 12.12.2018
The Serbian Ministry of the Economy has published a new tender for the sale of the Port of Novi Sad on the Danube river. The invitation for offers said that the starting price for the port is 7.99 million Euros which is half the 15.98 million that was set… »
Serbian president says he’ll give opposition an election opportunity
N1 Info 12.12.2018
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Wednesday that he would not back down under opposition pressure but would give them an opportunity to prove themselves at elections. “Anyone who knows of something more democratic than elections should tell… »
Kanadski "creton" namaz
N1 Info 12.12.2018
U kuhinji Kvebeka, kreton je svinjski namaz aromatizovan lukom i začinima. Obično se služi na tostu za doručak. Sastojci: - 300 g mlevenog svinjskog mesa (može i mešano) - 1 srednji luk, iseckan - 2 čena belog luka,iseckana - 1/4 kašičice cimeta… »
Higher pensions if Serbian budget shows surplus, minister says
N1 Info 12.12.2018
Serbia’s Labour and Social Affairs Minister Zoran Djordjevic said on Wednesday that pensions will be higher next year if the state budget records a surplus. “We have to have clear indicators that the state budget will end the year with a surplus… »