Zivko shot Ivica in the head during the demonstration against Milosevic 22 years ago: Now, they met face to face in a tavern and the most difficult words were uttered (video) (photo)

Telegraf 04.02.2019
Zivko shot Ivica in the head during the demonstration against Milosevic 22 years ago: Now, they met face to face in a tavern…

* I am not sleeping calmly. Do you know why I don't sleep calmly? Because of you. It is very difficult for me! It is very difficult, you know - said Zivko * You had it worse than I did. The God has punished you more... - said Ivica * If one forgives, then God will forgive as well. To reconcile the Serbs

Ivica was shot in the head in 1996 on the counter-demonstration, the terrible scar remains: He is barely standing there today where he was laying down in the pool of blood, and he is still asking the same question - How's your daughter, I hear that she is sick? - Ivica asked. - She died. And my son is sick. He was born that way, with Down syndrome - Zivko said. - My condolences, honestly - answered Ivica. - I am not sleeping calmly. Do you know

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