Love triangle tragedy: Nemanja was murdered by the lover of his wife, and she planned the whole thing?

Telegraf 29.04.2019
Love triangle tragedy: Nemanja was murdered by the lover of his wife, and she planned the whole thing?

Danijela didn't leave the impression of a woman who was in sorrow, whose husband was murdered before her eyes

Nemanja Grcic (37) from Vrdnik was shot in the stomach by the lover of his wife Danijela Djilasovic (43), who tried to convince the police after the crime that her husband was a victim of mafia liquidation. The leader of the group "America", Zoran Jaksic, was sentenced for smuggling of cocaine: He was sentenced to 25 years in prison! (PHOTO) Danijela Djilasovic, the wife of Nemanja Grcic, who was murdered by Zoran Dimic (52) from Subotica on

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