BC Partners, United Group reps discuss potentials of region at EBRD summit
N1 Info 09.05.2019 | N1 Sarajevo

Acquisition of majority shares in the United Group is one of the biggest foreign investments in the region, said Stelios Elia, BC Partners Managing Director, speaking at a panel discussion on potentials of south-east Europe, within the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) annual forum in Sarajevo.
“The United Group works with 20 million people in the whole region and the group has coherent consumer demands and preferences. The culture and languages are similar, and that's how the United Group managed to achieve the economy of scale. That's how it became the first choice partner,” said Elia. It is of crucial importance to spend time talking to investors, he added. #SteliosElia, BC Partners #EBRDam‘today United Group is the regional