Ovo od Konora niko nije očekivao!
Alo 25.10.2020 | Alo.rs/M.R.

I Konor Mekgregor je rešio da se pokloni Habibu Nurmagomedovu posle sjajne pobede i odlaska u penziju
- Poštovanje i moje saučešće zbog gubitka oca. Tebi i porodici. Iskreno, tvoji Mekgregori - napisao je u ime porodice Konor. Good performance @TeamKhabib. I will carry on. Respect and condolences on your father again also. To you and family. Yours sincerely, The McGregors. — Conor McGregor (@TheNotoriousMMA) October 24, 2020 Good performance @TeamKhabib. I will carry on. Respect and condolences on your father again also. To you and family. Yours sincerely, The