Government of Serbia adopts Bill on Protection of Cyrillic Alphabet

BizLife 03.09.2021  |  Beta
Government of Serbia adopts Bill on Protection of Cyrillic Alphabet

“The Bill defines the establishment of additional measures aimed at cultivating the Serbian language and the Cyrillic alphabet, as well as cultural and traditional values, and the wider use of the Cyrillic alphabet in public life, given the historical, cultural and identity significance of this alphabet,” the statement reads.

The Bill stipulates the expansion of the circle of entities that are obliged to use the Cyrillic alphabet, i.e. all the entities that operate or perform activities with a majority share of public capital. Incentive measures aimed at the private sector are also prescribed, i.e. an establishment of tax and other administrative reliefs for entities that decide to use the Cyrillic alphabet in their work and business operations. It also stipulates that cultural and

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