Minister distributes drones to schools so that students can learn programming languages

BizLife 08.09.2021  |  BIZLife
Minister distributes drones to schools so that students can learn programming languages

This is a continuation of the “For a better school” initiative, implemented based on the previously signed Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and Rotary clubs in Serbia.

US$117,200 was raised and 670 drones were procured for primary schools in Serbia. The project was financially supported by the Rotary Foundation and Rotarians from the United States, Germany, Australia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Branko Ruzic, attended last week at the “20. oktobar” primary school in Novi Beograd the delivery of unmanned aircraft and, on the

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