Monopoly over (UN)truth - Experts: 'Owning over 100 media outlets a serious threat to democracy and media freedoms!'

Kurir 30.11.2021
Monopoly over (UN)truth - Experts: 'Owning over 100 media outlets a serious threat to democracy and media freedoms!'

Dragan Šolak napravio je mehanizam za uništavanje svih nepodobnih medijskih subjekata i pokušava da monopolskim delovanjem spreči javnost da čuje mišljenje suprotno onom koje zastupaju njegovi politički i poslovni saradnici

Dragan Šolak has created a mechanism for destroying all unsuitable media actors and is now using his monopoly to try and prevent the general public from hearing opinions different from that advocated by his political and business associates Billionaire Dragan Šolak, who owns over 100 media outlets, of which no fewer than 25 are news media, has created a mechanism for destroying all unsuitable media actors and is now using his monopoly to try and prevent the general

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