Ćaćić i Sabanov nisu uspeli: Srbija poražena od Čilea
Vesti online 03.01.2022 | Vesti online

Teniska reprezentacija Srbije poražena je od Čilea 2:1 u meču 2. kola ATP kupa u Sidneju.
Pobedu Čileancima doneo je Barios/Tabilo, koji su pobedili srpske tenisere Nikolu Ćaćića i Mateju Sabanova 2:1, po setovima 2:1, po setovima 6:4, 3:6, 10:7. 🚨 Match Tiebreak 🚨 Cacic and Sabanov return serve to steal the second set from #TeamChile and keep #TeamSerbia in the tie, 6-3. #ATPCup pic.twitter.com/LURSRbDech — ATPCup (@ATPCup) January 3, 2022 #TeamChile are up and about 🕺 Barrios Vera and Tabilo deliver the first set in the deciding doubles, taking it