Zemljotres zadrmao zenicu
Alo 04.06.2022

Kako je objavio EMSC, u BiH se večeras treslo tlo.
Prema prvim informacijama, epicentar zemljotresa je bio 20 kilometara od Zenice, piše "Avaz". Look! You are a seismic sensor: when you feel a tremor and launch the LastQuake app,we know that an #earthquake might have occurred👇LastQuake launches before🟠 and after 🟣 the app notification about the #earthquake in #Zenica 24 min ago. pic.twitter.com/d4EQKuoH7C — EMSC (@LastQuake) June 4, 2022 Magnituda, prema prvim podacima, iznosila je 3.1. BONUS VIDEO