“Open Balkans the best regional project in last 30 years”

BizLife 07.06.2022  |  Danas, FoNet, RTS
“Open Balkans the best regional project in last 30 years”

Serbian Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Tomislav Momirovic has said in Tirana that the Open Balkans is the best project that has emerged in Southeast Europe in the last thirty years, designed to bring all the countries of the region together around what unites them.

Before the meeting about the roads of the Western Balkans in 2022, after a meeting with Minister of Infrastructure and Energy of Albania, Belinda Balluku, Momirovic pointed out that Serbia and Albania had the opportunity to make the biggest economic strides in their history. The minister said that all the connections between states were primarily related to infrastructure, i.e. to road, rail and air traffic, adding that today we had regular air communication

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