Women Press Freedom Condemns Government Smear Campaign Against Tamara Skrozza

Cenzolovka 07.08.2024
Women Press Freedom Condemns Government Smear Campaign Against Tamara Skrozza

Women Press Freedom offers its full support to FoNet journalist Tamara Skrozza, who is facing a coordinated defamation campaign from media outlets closely linked to the Serbian government. Allegations claim that Skrozza supported the assassination of senior Serbian officials during the uprising against former President Slobodan Milosevic. Government minister Dejan Ristic has received criticism for allegedly backing the smear campaign against the journalist. This recent attack is part of a trend of

Koalicija za žene u novinarstvu, logo Journalist Tamara Skrozza has been targeted by pro-government tabloids and broadcasters, including TV Pink, which have distorted her past remarks to suggest that she advocated for violence against politicians, including President Aleksandar Vucic. The accusations against Skrozza claim she promoted the assassination of senior Serbian officials during the resistance against former President Slobodan Milosevic. Serbian Information

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