Violin player was approached by a famous Italian, but nobody expected what happened next (VIDEO)
Telegraf 08.02.2016 |

- Bechara Moufarrej, an opera singer from Milan (born in Lebanon), while preparing for his concert in Belgrade, took a stroll down Knez Mihailova street in Belgrade, and you know... - wrote this young Serbian artist on his Facebook page
Danilo Anđelković, a violin player from Belgrade, Serbia, who is known for his performances in Knez Mihailova street, was thrilled when a tourist approached him during his show and started singing the melody he was playing. MAKING JOVANA HAPPY: The ingenious girl from Knez Mihailova got a new violin! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK – Telegraf English, or write to us on: Namely, he was joined by an opera singer from Milan, Italy, who