Pogledajte taj prsten: Ela Dvornik u Japanu rekla sudbonosno "da"
24 Sata 20.02.2016 | KK

Blogerka i ćerka Dina Dvornika rekla je sudbonosno "da" svom dugogodišnjem dečku Čarls Pirsu.
Oni se već neko vreme nalaze u Japanu, a pošto je to Elina omiljena zemlja koju je dugo godina želela da poseti, Čarls je odabrao pravi trenutak za veridbu. Here in my freshly translated dream I feel it is appropriate to say something. For those of you that didn't guess , I am the happiest person alive, having had the most wonderful @elladvornik accept my proposal of marriage. I knew from the moment I met her, her peering down at me, that I