Police Officer Took Down Prostitutes, But Not To The Station: Instead of arresting "the pimp", he ordered two girls!

Telegraf 17.03.2016  |  Telegraf.co.uk
Police Officer Took Down Prostitutes, But Not To The Station: Instead of arresting "the pimp", he ordered two girls!

In the period from 2009 until 2015 he laundered the money in legal ways, like buying a herd of domestic animals, or other ways with which he broke the law

Prosecution office of the city of Sarajevo formed a case against Samir Kurtovic, Melisa Sehovic, Nemanja Jankovic, and Omer Nargalic, under the doubt that they organized a prostitution ring of underage and girls of age, money laundering, raping in try, unlicensed carrying of guns and ammunition, and not arresting the perpetrator when committing a crime. WHO PAYS FOR A PROSTITUTE WILL FACE 60 DAYS IMPRISONMENT! Serbian law previses fierce

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