Twins Milica (3) and Mihailo (3) ARE fighting a battle together from THE first day: Their story will make you stop and think! (photo)

Telegraf 28.04.2016  |
Twins Milica (3) and Mihailo (3) ARE fighting a battle together from THE first day: Their story will make you stop and think…

For their progress requires physical and neuro stimulating treatments, stem cells treatment, neurological treatments, nonsurgical operations, inspections and necessary eye surgery...

Milica (3) and Mihailo (3) Lukic are brother and sister, twins born prematurely who battle for life began to run from the first day. Due to a very difficult birth of their mother there has been numerous consequences for their health. (VIDEO) THESE CHILDREN ARE THE PRIDE OF SERBIA: Whole school class shaved their heads to support their sick friend Stefan! To Mihailo doctors gave minimum chance to survive, but his desire and will to live has won.

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