Handyman Mile, man of a great hearth: More and more babies are born because of him in Serbia! (photo)

Telegraf 10.05.2016  |  Telegraf.co.uk
Handyman Mile, man of a great hearth: More and more babies are born because of him in Serbia! (photo)
- The essence of my work is the fight against the white plague, feeders for babies to give to those families who can not afford it. So far I have donated over five hundred baby chair, bunk beds and cribs – tells the story for Telegraf, Milorad Mile Jurkovic, a carpenter from Beocin, which is known as the whole of Serbia as Mileta – a man with a big heart. TEAM FROM SERBIA WILL WIN OVER AMERICA, BUT THEY NEED YOUR HELP: Their ELECTRONIC TRACTOR

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