7.1000 SERBS died IN this place: Telegraf discovered the mystery of secret cemetery in Czech Republic! (photo) (video)

Telegraf 30.06.2016  |  Telegraf.co.uk / Marina Bojic
7.1000 SERBS died IN this place: Telegraf discovered the mystery of secret cemetery in Czech Republic! (photo) (video)

Mausoleum Jindřichovice, the place of the same named concentration camp in WWI, was forgotten for almost 50 years. 40.000 prisoners went through it. The oldest priest had 92 years, and the youngest grandson had eight years

Only 145 kilometers from the Czech Republic capital – Prague, near the border with Germany, there is a place called Jindřichovice, which is very important for the Serbian history during the World War One, and small number of people know about this place. GALLERY OF PHOTOS WHERE 7.100 SERBS LOST THEIR LIVES IN WORLD WAR ONE – Jindřichovice Jindřichovice, during the Great War, was one of the biggest concentration camps of Austro-Hungary. 40.000

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