Samo za neupućene: Prava ljubav ne zna za bore, godine i rokove
24 Sata 29.07.2016 |

Vanda i Džo su u braku već 63 godine, što se po ovim slikama ne bi reklo na prvi pogled jer izgledaju kao da su tek juče izgovorili sudbonosno "da".
"Dearest Wanda, it’s been a long time since I have written you a letter. I think it was when I was working in Canada, that I wrote you last. Anyway, I still love you just as much, probably more. The years have gone by fast. One morning you just wake up and you are OLD. Anyway, I wouldn’t trade them for all the gold in Alaska. We had 3 great kids and lots of fun raising them. Most of the time. We carried them to movies, playgrounds, swimming,