Oženio je "devojčicu" iz vrtića, ispunio obećanje nakon 20 godina
Vesti online 30.06.2017 | Vestionline

Met Grodski obećao je svojoj drugarici iz vrtića Lori Šil, kada je imao samo tri godine, da će je oženiti. Dvadeset godina kasnije ju je i zaprosio.
"Laura and I met in preschool. One of my very first memories is of being 3 years old and standing up in front of my pre-school class, declaring that I would marry her someday. As kids, Laura taught me how to ride the swings, draw rolling hills, and the 'right way' to properly eat string cheese. We have fond memories of playing hide-and-go-seek, chasing after each other on the playground, and mischievously staying up during nap time. I was