Pogledajte šta je pevačica platila 800 evra!
Mondo 17.08.2017 | mondo.rs

Ima se može se.
Niki Minaž se na Instagramu pohvalila novim patikama: How bad btchs rock D&G sneaks while recording a classic album. Can't wait for you to have this ✨ it's my engineer's bday u guys. Pls wish him a happy bday @bigjuice205. He's the absolute best in the game. Hands down. A post shared by Nicki Minaj (@nickiminaj) on Aug 14, 2017 at 5:35pm PDT Reč je o "Dolče i Gabana" modelu za ovu sezonu. Da li vam se dopadaju?Sada su na sniženju. Bile su 790