Njujorker pokazao naslovnu stranu s Klinton kao predsednicom
N1 Info 17.09.2017 | mashable.com

Časopis Njujorker (The New Yorker) pokazao je čitaocima "šta bi bilo kad bi bilo“, odnosno da je umesto Donalda Trampa na predsedničkim izborima u SAD u novembru prošle godine pobedila Hilari Klinton.
Njujorker je povukao hrabar potez i objavio naslovnu stranu koja je planirana u slučaju pobede Hilari Klinton. This would have been our post-election cover if Hillary Clinton had won the Presidency. On Election Night, she expected to give a victory speech. Instead, the next morning, before hundreds of shocked, weeping staffers, she made her way through a hastily drafted message of endurance and gratitude. As she and Bill Clinton were driven away