Smrt hara društvenim mrežama! (foto)
Mondo 12.12.2017 |

Smrt je dobila svoj Instagram profil, a iznenadićete se kad saznate ko ga je otvorio.
Happy first Saturday of December, New Zealand! When you’ve finished your nine litres of beer, a swim is a great way to wash off the vom. Just sayin! #stayclassynz A post shared by The Swim Reaper (@iamtheswimreaper) on Dec 1, 2017 at 4:21pm PST Reč je o kampanji Vlade Novog Zelanda, čiji cilj je da apeluje na građane da budu pažljivi na kupalištima. You know Uber, right? Well Rip Rides are kinda like that. Only without the Prius. And there’s no