FOTO: Šta se desilo sa rukom Kejt Mildlton?

Vesti online 23.12.2017  |  Vestionline,
FOTO: Šta se desilo sa rukom Kejt Mildlton?

Porodična fotografija engleske kraljevske porodice, koja će se nalaziti na Božićnim čestitkama, na prvi pogled deluje sasvim normalno. Ukoliko se malo bolje zagledate, primetićete jednu jako neobičnu stvar.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are pleased to share a new photograph of their family. The image features on Their Royal Highnesses' Christmas card this year. The photograph shows The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their two children at Kensington Palace. It was taken earlier this year by chrisjacksongetty Their Royal Highnesses have also announced this morning that Princess Charlotte will attend the Willcocks Nursery School in London from

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