Zbogom i ne vraćajte se više! Velika grupa terorista armije Islama napustila Dumu (foto/mapa)
Srbija danas 02.04.2018

Veliki dan za Damask
Pre nekoliko minuta velika grupa boraca Džaiš al-Islama napustila je grad Dumu preko prelaza Vafidin. #FaylaqAlRahman militants were the first to leave #Douma, followed by 448 members of #JayshAlIslam pic.twitter.com/ov4cCT7PIF — SMM Syria (@smmsyria) 02. април 2018. Jaysh al-Islam militants start evacuating from E. Ghouta – Russian military https://t.co/60LsufrgSY pic.twitter.com/Arz9XmY8CV — RT (@RT_com) 02. април 2018. Buses with Jaysh